Evelyn Jung & Meredith Thomson
So much happening and it’s all exciting for sure!
Probably the most exciting news is that I am proud to announce the official addition of two new principals / partners in our firm, Evelyn Jung, and Meredith Thomson who will now join myself and Vivian Ayala as our team of Candelaria Design Owners!!! We are finalizing the paperwork but for all intentional purposes, this is a done deal. This is not an Elon Musk publicity stunt – this is the real deal! I cannot tell you how proud I am of these ladies and what they have done and what they will bring to the future of this firm. I am not retiring….yet! I still have some miles left to travel, however, it is great to have the added support, creativity, and productivity at the Principal level! My goal is to continue to market, design, provide client relations, and bring management wisdom to our team with my 37 years of experience in architecture along with continued effort with our Candelaria Design Tours, cooking, a new book in the works, and continued production of our show Sketch on The Design Network and Sketch Daily showcasing our team’s work!
Vivian Ayala, MC, Meredith Thomson and Evelyn Jung - The Candelaria Design Top Brass
Evelyn Jung, has been with me for nearly 12 years and has been an Associate of the firm for over three years but will officially become a vested partner this Fall. Evelyn runs the business operations of our company freeing us to focus on being architects. She is a hard worked, mother of two boys, a lovely wife and one of my best friends in the world. She has been there for me through the great times, but more importantly through some of the tough times too. I am so proud to have her be a part of this company and shows that EVERY position has a vital importance to the success of our company and very position has the OPPORTUNITY in our company to allow that person to rise to the top.
Meredith Thomson joined us in the Spring of 2013 and has proven herself to be one of the best additions to our company over the course of our 19 years in business. A Phoenix, Arcadia native, Meredith graduated from Xavier High School and went on to Norte Dame where she graduated in 2003 with a Bachelor’s of Architecture and went on to work in New York and San Francisco then returning home to Arizona. A licensed Architect, Meredith brings her amazing sketching and design skills, along with her wonderful likable warm nature all which add to the fabric and soul of our company. Her ability to bring a vision to reality in an enjoyable and positive manner embodies what Candelaria Design is about – Inspiring Living!
Vivian Ayala and I are proud to have these two on board and so our INITIAL team is set but I am thrilled to add that our operating agreement is so established to allow more to join the team which I fully expect to happen with our continued growth and success. I have an amazing crew and I can see the opportunities right there in front of me so there is a LOT more to come!
Please welcome both Evelyn and Meredith to the Candelaria Design Management and Ownership Team!!! We will celebrate this magnificent milestone with a Client Appreciation Party set for October. We expect to have one heck of a good time – so stay tuned for details to follow!
Meanwhile, make sure to follow our Candelaria Design Tour Italy departing September 12th! We have our biggest group ever going on this year’s tour – 24 travelers all ready for the experience of a lifetime! Follow us here on our blog, on Instagram, Facebook and our Sketch Daily episodes which will be returning on a weekly basis soon with the addition of our videographer and social media director, Jessica Seifurth. She is providing our filming, editing and production of the Sketch Daily episodes and our SKETCH episodes for Season 3 coming soon to The Design Network https://www.thedesignnetwork.com/series/sketch/
This morning I am typing my blog from the Empress Hotel in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. What a beautiful place and city. Wow, I have been to Vancouver many times, but never here to Victoria and I have to say I really dig it here. Not as big as Vancouver, Victoria has charm and a small town feel yet with plenty of wonderful restaurants and sights to see, especially the Butchart Gardens – amazing.
The Fairmont Empress Hotel in Victoria, BC
Victoria Parliament Building
I ended up here purely by a last minute audible by me and my assistant, Stacey Payne! I was supposed to be in Laguna Beach for meetings with the Vail Project Team, but they had to cancel at the last second so Stacey hightailed me up the coast to rendezvous with my wife Isabel and her Mom, Alette who had already planned a mother-daughter trip to Victoria and so I decided to crash their little party and surprised them when they landed in Seattle switching planes. What fun – and what a great time we are having. Basically, this trip was a thank you to Isabel's mom for all she did in the last year and a half being there for both Isabel and I during her cancer battle. I fly home today, but the two will stay until Tuesday so they will still get some one on one time together.
We enjoyed some wonderful time together, some fantastic meals, and of course a cocktail here or there and just some nice quiet time together.
High Tea at Butchart Gardens
Isabel's Mom, Alette, enjoying the evening on the Terrace at the Empress Hotel
Enjoying the sunset in Victoria
Finally, I will end on a somber note as I got word, as many of us did on this past Thursday of the passing of our good friend and a client for me, Art Cunningham. We were all shocked to learn of this sad ending to his life – a life filled with creativity, good times, and ALWAYS that famous smile and laugh we all loved. I loved working and collaborating with him and we had a nice project in the works – in fact I had just sent him a proposal Thursday morning for the next phase of a project we had started in 2015. So many wonderful memories and especially some of the best on Lake Coeur d’Alene on his Stancraft boat. We will all miss you Art as you were well loved, and well liked, by so many! I especially want to send my heartfelt condolences to his lovely wife Janet whom I have known for 36 years and is just the sweetest gal ever. We are all there for you Janet in our thoughts and prayers and if there is anything Isabel and I can do just say it.
Ceremonies will be this coming Thursday at Brophy Chapel at 10 am. God bless you my dear friend.