So who is ready to kickoff a fresh, new year? Well every year is a fresh start that is for sure. It’s nice to look back but it’s also great to think of all the possibilities that lie ahead and how we are the writer of our story. Each day truly is a gift and needs to be lived like its your last, or as Isabel tells me, lived as if it your first! Great perspective.
Let’s hope we have all learned some good lessons from these past years, like to appreciate our health, all that is good in our lives, how important our homes are, and to stop delaying on those things you've been wanting to do. For us at Candelaria Design, we always strive to live life to its fullest and inspire ourselves and others to do the same.

We have an exciting 2022 in the works with three Candelaria Design Tours; Oregon in May, Spain in June, and Italy in September. Then add in plenty of client dinners, fund raisers, site staking and house warming parties and 2022 will not be short of exciting events filled with #CandelariaStyle.
We have been so fortunate to have stayed busier than ever this year! Our work was published in numerous publications, we won two Luxe Red Awards, two Masonry Council Awards, and were named as a top architect firm by various outlets! Our Candelaria Design Team has really done a stellar job, especially given the unforeseen changes in the world, the housing market, the supply chain and even internal company changes this year.
So now, let’s take a look back at all we accomplished in 2021 at Candelaria Design! We all wish you a joyous, prosperous and healthy 2022.
“Inspiring Living” Podcast
Mark's Inspiring Living Podcast has been going strong since September 2019 and has nearly 100 inspiring episodes! Take a look at our website's Podcast Page by clicking the image above to see all the past episodes and listen to some amazing stories.
As you know, Mark loves to cook and entertain, but did you know we have a wide variety of recipes on our website, many of which have YouTube video tutorials featuring either Mark or professional chefs! Click the image above to see for yourself and learn something new!