Today, March 4th, Mark celebrates his 40th anniversary of his first day working as an architect and has two special podcast episodes to commemorate!!
March 4, 1982 was my first day on the job in an architect’s office - that office being the offices and studio of my mentor and good friend, George W. Christiansen! Some 2000+ homes later and over 20 tours, it’s rewarding to look back and remember where this all started! I am SO grateful to all of my colleagues who helped me along the way, my clients who trusted in me and gave me the opportunity to create their dreams, and my family who put up with my endless efforts and hours in creating these homes and now our company, Candelaria Design!
To celebrate and tell the story I have created two podcast episodes, the first episode is with the two people who were with me on that first day in 1982. These special guests are CCBG President and Architect, Brian Cassidy and Dianne Kleber who ran George’s office and called and told me I had gotten the job!.
Then we flash forward 40 years and the second episode is with my current partners at Candelaria Design, Evelyn Jung, Meredith Thomson, and our newest partner, Tim Mathewson! We look back at the nearly 23 years of Candelaria Design and then talk about what we see for the future of architecture and Candelaria Design!
These are two fascinating episodes full of wonderful memories and exciting plans we hope you won’t miss!